[2022] Unpossible:
Creating a new handheld gaming object that is unpossible to beat.
Unpossible is an ongoing WIP personal project to create a handheld gaming object that can played in any orientation, with different controls for each game. Inside lives a mini games experience which is fast paced, high frame-rate, and low graphics. Each mini game's tempo and visuals are coupled with the hard-hitting beats of the soundtrack.
Aiming to release in 2025. Hardware dev is extremely slow and expensive. Highly technical and challenging project that includes: low level 60fps screen graphics in C language, game and sound design, 3D modelling for CNC machining and 3D printing, PCB design (2layer and 4layer), and lots of C/C++ coding and datasheet translation.
Below you can see some demos of the first prototypes. The next prototype iteration should be released around March 2024 and will include battery+charging, high-res screen, and much cooler colors.